Extax Advisory is a global group of top-tier advisers focusing on specialist tax and advisory capabilities through a unique high-value approach. We are experienced professionals with Big 4 managerial experience and in-house commercial experience.

from a need for Higher Efficiency
Coming from a Big 4 background, we are well aware of the challenges of large organisations.
Even if the practical needs of each client business unit are made very clear and specific, cumbersome internal processes within large service firms can result in
- slow turnarounds,
- generic advice,
- poor commercial alignment, and
- service offerings that lack agility
Advisers selected on global engagements will account for the highest impact to client satisfaction. Adviser selection is also the biggest risk associated with any global tax advice.
For global engagement management, adviser selection can also be the biggest WIP-killer for lead engagement teams. This affects service delivery standards and morale of the lead engagement partner's team.
It is becoming increasingly more apparent that global engagements can be better with a mix of co-sourcing. Clients have to fill the gap between in-sourcing and out-sourcing to external providers.

Global engagements are only successful if service urgency is homogeneous across all jurisdictions.
In reality no firm offers the same service everywhere.
To address this gap, Extax Advisory is taking the first global initiative in bringing together the best minds and the most experienced tax specialists and advisory consultants.
These advisers have direct accountability based on their individual specialist capabilities. They are recognised in their respective area of specialisation, and have significant experience in the industry verticals nominated.
Now you can operate the Leanest Teams with High Performance
Extax Advisory aims to achieve one outcome for every exchange - The Highest Value.
Businesses no longer feel comfortable paying service providers for underperforming members of global engagements. Increasingly, clients see overheads associated with large brands, offices with fancy views and lavish functions as a negative.
Engagements must now clearly demonstrate compelling value that differentiates from direct and indirect industry peers
We are taking the lead in innovating to give the power back to the decision makers - clients. The clients get to choose how lean or how comprehensive their service and overheads will be.
For adviser members, this also offers real time risk-free and low-overhead validation on fee-ready clients, instead of waiting for annual client satisfaction reports and survey data compilation to invest in acquiring new client leads.

"Extax Advisory is the latest innovation to give the power back to the decision makers - clients. The clients get to choose how lean or how comprehensive their service and overheads will be in each location they feel underserviced, and this happens before relationships are damaged.
For adviser members, Extax Advisory also presents real-time, risk-free, and low-overhead validation on fee-ready clients. It also represents the much needed "safety-valve" allowing engagement lead partners to act before engagements turn sour due to service gaps in any one given location. Think of it as a complement to your valuable client engagements and a proof of commitment to salvaging client relationships with nothing but the best external skills.
The exchange is also compelling alternative to waiting for annual client satisfaction survey data compilation, then invest in hosting seminars, and entertaining to only potentially acquire new clients. "

To create a unique group of of seasoned professionals with specialist skills in each jurisdiction, let us empower ourselves to to integrate, scale and deliver on any scope or business requirements at any stage.
Large Corporate
Groups and counting...
We bring the combined experience of professionals who have been operating at a managerial level in the Big 4 consulting environment. More importantly, our team members have also held in-house managerial roles within large multinational organisations overlooking two main functions:
We cover all aspects of taxation in an increasing number of jurisdictions. To enumerate some of our areas of interest, we have focus groups on tax controversy (disputes, litigation, objections, private rulings), corporate & international income tax (including M&A transactions, structuring), transfer pricing, tax policy & governance, expatriate taxes, employment taxes including payroll tax, mirror payroll processing, foreign compensation calculations, superannuation and Fringe Benefits Tax.
Access top-tier consultants who managed and advised on transactions, processes, policies, and outsourcing of international talent in strategy, operations, technology & innovation, deployment programs, human capital, global mobility, expatriate management, procurement and cost control, special projects and strategic alliances with leading migration advisers.
Our professional conduct is based on a core set of values that are the common ground for the various global professional bodies most of our members are part of. They set out a common framework around how we are expected to behave and to do what is right. This includes being upfront if we come across a situation that is inconsistent with our values.
Our values are a fundamental part of who we are, and what we stand for. Whether we are working with small or larger transactions, we depend on each other to be mindful of our ethical responsibilities. Our code of conduct is upheld by adhering to a combination of professional charters, internal member policies, terms of business, and other mandates as updated by the latest practices required within the network.
We welcome your views and questions. If you have any questions about our professional conduct within the network, or wish to contact us about a business ethics matter, please use our confidential contact by email conduct@extax.net.